Vol. I. 1777-1779.Captain James Cook: Drawings taken during his third voyage: 1777-1779. 1777-1779


Vol. I. 1777-1779.Captain James Cook: Drawings taken during his third voyage: 1777-1779. 1777-1779

1 item



SNAC Resource ID: 6592409

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Cook, R. James, 1937

http://n2t.net/ark:/99166/w6tz35bm (person)

James Cook (born 1937) was an entomologist employed by Washington State University. Beginning in 1980 he undertook investigation of effect of deposits of volcanic ash on insects. His project was one of several investigations at Washington State University following the eruption of Mt. St. Helens in May of 1980 and related deposition of volcanic ash over a broad band across Eastern Washington and North Idaho. Investigation basically disclosed that volcanic ash was inert and non-toxic in its effec...